Manuscript submitted to HECST2025 conference will go through Pre-check and Peer Review.
a) The Pre-check by editors. Editors pay attention to the readability, grammar and usage before considering for formally initiating the review process. The author will be informed quickly if their paper is rejected at this stage.
b) Each paper will be peer-reviewed by at least 2 independent reviewers who are experts in the related field and have published at least 5 research articles indexed by SCOPUS in recent years
All reviews follow a double-blind process:
-HECST2025 Editors perform an initial check of the manuscript’s suitability upon receipt, and use a software tool to finish the plagiarism analysis, manuscripts are out of conference topics will be rejected directly, generally, authors will receive the result within 3-5 working days in this round.
-Only the manuscripts passed the initial checking can be submitted to reviewers, HECST2025 Editorial Office will then organize the peer-review process performed by independent experts. Papers will be strictly and thoroughly peer-reviewed by experts and reviewers.
-All regular papers are reviewed by at least two reviewers, but usually by three or more, and rated considering: Relevance, Originality, Technical Quality, Significance and Presentation of the submissions; There are four results: 1, Accept; 2, Accept after Minor Revisions; 3, Reconsider after Major Revisions; 4, Reject.
-Authors have 2-3 weeks to make minor or major revisions after received the comments from reviewers. Usually, one round of major revisions is allowed.
-Only the submission passed the peer review and accepted by reviewers will be included in the conference proceeding finally.
Papers submitted to HECST2025 be reviewed by technical committees of the conference. All accepted full papers will be published to the Conference Proceedings of HECST2025, and will be submitted to EI Compendex, Scopus and Inspec for indexing.